Mangrove School’s Winter Clothes Drive

Mangrove School’s Winter Clothes Drive As the chill of winter approaches, the warmth of our community’s spirit shines brighter than ever. This year, our school proudly hosted its annual Winter Clothes Drive, an event that brings students, teachers, and families together in a mission to support those in need. Here’s a look at what makes […]

Improving Independent Learning

Every teacher can share ample examples of their students struggling to learn independently. From giving up during an extended piece of writing, to getting stuck and stopping with tricky algebra problems, or forgetting homework and avoiding revision.   A lack of independence is a commonplace issue in education, but less common is an agreed way forward […]

Adaptive Teaching: Scaffolds, Scale, Structure and Style

Adaptive teaching may be tricky to define, but we must define it well, and exemplify it, otherwise it will prove an empty buzzword.  I’ve tried to characterise it into broadly two types of adaptations: It is helpful to have examples of adaptive teaching, but also to present ‘non-examples’ of what it isn’t too. This is […]

Supporting Exam Preparation: The Final Mile

Teachers in England spend hours marking pupils’ work and in the final mile run up to national exams teachers are often exhausted by their efforts. A key challenge appears to be how we ensure pupils work just as hard as their teachers and taking responsibility to manage their own learning.  Common issues I hear regularly […]

Focusing on Learning Failures and Problems

If you want to guarantee clicks on an article or to sell a new product, a focus on failure is the last thing you’d do. People want success. Ideally, they want success quick, cheap, and easy. And yet, when it comes to securing success in classrooms, I think it is imperative that we focus more […]