A.K. M Saiful Latif Sultan


In the vast realm of educational leadership, I, AKM Saiful Latif Sultan, proudly steer the ship of Mangrove School. With a rich professional history spanning three decades, I’ve woven a tapestry of experience across esteemed institutions in our city, each chapter adding depth to my journey. My intellectual journey began at Jahangirnagar University from the Department of Physics, where the allure of Physics ignited my passion for astrophysics and the meticulous study of our celestial companions. From this revered institution, I embarked on a trajectory fueled by my dedication to expanding the horizons of knowledge. I have not only pioneered a new approach to teaching but have also set a remarkable example for aspiring educators. With a passion for teaching O/A Level Physics since 1998, I have adeptly incorporated the Edexcel system into my curriculum, providing students with a comprehensive learning experience. I seek to elevate Mangrove School to unprecedented heights, fostering a legacy of success that transcends boundaries and shapes our students into global leaders. In my vision, each student shines like a celestial body, radiating brilliance, uniqueness, and an insatiable curiosity for knowledge. As we journey through the cosmic landscape of education, Mangrove School emerges as a beacon of academic brilliance, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Join me on this celestial odyssey as we propel our students toward the stars, equipping them not only with academic prowess but also with the qualities essential for impactful leadership on the global stage.